September 19, 2014

So far in September...

Here are some of the things Josh has been up to this month:

Painting at the easel - using the force!

Drawing pictures in his journal.

Checking out Big Red (the class beta fish).

Learning about gears.

Making "my owns body"

Picking a monkey to draw for his journal.

Reading a book on Tumblebooks before nap time. The class favorite is called Fifty Below Zero.

Making circle people

Josh's response at our dinner time reflection of our favorite part of the day has been "playing with blocks at big school" pretty much every day.

This was during PE - Josh is on the far side holding onto a yellow section. 

This is an early math activity that he loved so much. Usually when I pick him up, he is still groggy from his nap and ready to go home. The day they had this activity, he woke up excitedly and went straight to the table to do it one more time before leaving.

They were studying the letter O and made these octopus pictures in Mrs. Curry's art class. Josh's was the only one with all the legs spaced all the way around... Except his does have 9 legs. 

Driving home from school one day he said, "I have a heart and lungs, you know."

Making his own face

Recess activities! Usually they play on their own Pre-K only play ground. But there isn't a ton of shade, so when it's really hot they play next to the school where there is a lot more shade.

They planted wheat grass in eggshells. Josh was SO excited to see that the grass sprouted over the weekend! They drew faces on the shells and the grass grew up like hair. Super cute!

Writing his name. He has been able to write Jj, Oo, and H fairly well for some time, but he has gotten really good at Ss, and h now too!

Painting apples with apples.

Still life drawing of apples for his journal.

Making their own applesauce - Josh loved it!

They had an apple taste test - Josh liked red best, but the golden delicious won overall favorite.

So that's what has been happening. I have taken on several roles as a volunteer at his school (to give me an excuse to stay close by) and at first Josh would get upset if he saw me there doing something other than being with him. But, he has finally gotten used to seeing me around. 

One day this week after his nap, he saw me hanging artwork in the hall outside his classroom and just smiled and gave me a thumbs up. He happily went back to playing until I was ready to come get him. It definitely makes my heart happy to know he is happy when he is away from me. 

Today we are driving to Indiana to celebrate his Uncle Hersel's 40th birthday. He has been SO excited about this trip, but when he realized he was missing big school today he was sad and said, "but I just love big school!"



  1. How lucky to have this documentation of Josh's SCHOOL life. Nobody gets that!!! My favorite picture is the first one - use the force. He's so darn cute. And how wonderful that he's enjoying school so much. It's a dream come true. Love his passion for "Big School". I loved the "I've got a heart and lungs you know." That boy.

  2. Oh so many funderful things!!! What a happy place. These pictures are such a treasure, and they make me happy since I don't get to see as much of Josh as I would like to these days. All for a good cause though. :)
