May 8, 2014


Our second day in the Parks, we were fortunate to have our Utah cousins and Aunt Mello spend the day with us - (we missed you, Uncle Charlie)! The park was not terribly crowded and we had the opportunity to ride many rides repeatedly (especially Space Mountain). Julie, Lindsey, and I just happened to all wear red that day, too bad Aunt Mello missed the memo.

The day was overcast and fairly chilly, but I would never complain about that! I thought the Frozen themed border would be a fun way to emphasize that we were at Disney in jackets and hoodies. 
P.s. I totally face swapped Bradley in this shot - can you tell?

As I said, we rode Space Mountain, a lot. These are only a handful of the "best" photos captured. I figured out after the first round that the camera snapped the pictures from the left or right side, depending on which side of the ride you were on. So, I told everyone to make sure and pose for the camera each time - but apparently, I forgot to mention they needed to turn their heads....

Yes, I'm a dork.

Drew and I even got to ride together once, thanks Jules! 

We got stuck on the Buzz ride for a crazy long time once - Nathaniel and I made it to 999,999 points! I wish we could see Joseph's little face, but Mel and Lindsey's expressions are priceless.

Love this one of Julie and Bradley!

The Blacks
This is my older sister (Julie) and her husband (Chris) with their adorable kids: Nathaniel, Bradley, Lindsey, and Joseph. It was seriously awesome of them to come and hang out with us at the Magic Kingdom! I never get to see their faces enough. 

A couple of Happily Ever Afters....

(Left to right: Me, Julie, Melissa, & Rebecca)

My sister Beta (Rebecca) didn't get to Orlando until the day after we all went to the park (sadface). But even if she had come the day before, she was sick so she probably wouldn't have been able to galavant with us anyway. My amazing friend kate wilson was kind enough to offer the photoshop services of her sister, Wendy, to help us add our missing sister to this photo. I love love love how it turned out - hee hee! Sorry that you missed all the fun, Beta - but you were with us in our hearts.

We totally closed the park down and then some! I was not expecting to stay past 7 or 8 that night, but we were just having SO much fun I couldn't force myself to leave. Josh handled it much better than I could have imagined and as we made our way past the Confectionery we stopped in to get treats for everyone. All of the kids picked Mike Wazowski cake pops. We managed this one last shot before heading to the exit.

One of the best tips I can share with anyone going to Disney is that you don't have to leave the parks at close! The rides and restaurants close, but many of the shops will still be open, PhotoPass photographers still take photos, and transportation runs for at least an hour after closing time.
So ride those rides over and over until the very last second, then head to the exit and get your shopping done along the way. There is really something wonderful about Main St. at midnight.

Can't wait for our next visit!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha - oh this is just a delightful post! I love all the pics of you guys on rides and only you looking at the camera :) and the sisters pic! With Becca as Anna is so great. So much awesomeness. My fave pic is prob the 3 of you on the buzz light year ride.
